Information for Urologists & Carers

Our health systems have been forced to make huge changes in response to this unprecedented situation, and the majority of the general public have responded with great patience to the demands that self-isolation and social distancing have placed on them.
Click here for BAUS members' information
The information provided (for BAUS members only) sets out the key developments & issues, and has links to other available resources. A BAUS statement, addressing the issue of vulnerable groups of healthcare workers affected by COVID-19, is also available using the link below:
Download the BAUS statement
If you are a healthcare worker, but not a BAUS member, and you need to view the members-only COVID-19 information, use the link below for request access to these documents:
Email us for further information
Information for Patients & Their Families
At BAUS we understand the anxiety that the global coronavirus pandemic has caused our patients, both with respect to their risk of actually catching the virus and their concerns about how COVID-19 might affect their assessment, treatment, hospital admission and discharge.
Click here for COVID-19 patient information
The information provided is intended to help answer your concerns about outpatient consultations, scheduled operations and some changes that may be needed to the usual discharge arrangements for patients on hospital wards.
You will also find a video (made by urologists in Manchester) explaining the relatively new concept of patient "telecommunication" with hospital doctors & nurses.
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