Commences 01 May 2025 for 1 year
Department: South Tees NHS Foundation Trust (James Cook University Hospital Middlesbrough and Friarage Hospital, Northalerton)
1- This post is ideal for senior trainees and SAS urologists who seek future FNUU specialization in the UK. It is considered as post CCT/CESR fellowship.
2- The Functional Urology Service is well developed, providing a highly specialist tertiary referral practice in all aspects of female, functional, reconstruction and neuro-Urology (urinary incontinence, benign bladder dysfunction, complex LUTS, urinary tract reconstruction and complex UTI). This service is led by Ms Mehwash Nadeem and Mr Simon Fulford.
3- The team includes a dedicated MDM, Research fellow and Specialist Nurses. We have specialist clinics related to Urodynamics, botulinum toxin treatment, neuromodulation, functional urology, recurrent UTIs and Spinal Injuries.
4- The Golden Jubilee Regional Spinal injuries Unit: is one of the 12 Spinal Injuries units in the UK. It is the only one in North East England with an extensive exposure to SCI patients with different urological dysfunction.
5- Complex UTI service: MDT management of referrals from the region and beyond.
- AUS / Male slings insertion/removal- 25
- Sacral Neuromodulation 15
- Augmentation cystoplasty 3-4
- Open BN AUS 2
- Ileal conduit 5
- Mitrofanoff (formation, revision) 2
- Open uro-genital fistula repair 4-5
- Urethral diverticulum excision 5
- Ureteric substitution, reconstruction and reimplantation 5-7
- Parastomal hernia repair 2
- Open/laparoscopic colposuspension 2
- Bulkamid Injections 8-10
- Autologous fascial sling 12-15
- Botox Injections 50
- Video UDS 80
- Suprapubic catheter insertion (USS guided and open) 60
- urethral reconstruction: 2
Expected at the end of placement:
- Level 4 competence should be gained in the procedures of male and female SUI, SNM, Botox, ureteric reconstruction, SPC.
- Level 3 competence in most of open reconstructive operations
The department is equipped with:
- Two up to date urodynamic machines for VCMG.
- Different types of SNM (Medtronics, Axonics).
- Triology
- Opportunity to join the robotic uro-oncology team for cystectomy & intracorporeal urinary diversion and ureteric reconstruction.
- Opportunity to join the uro-gynaecology team specially for laparoscopic colposuspension.
1st Monday of the month: Functional & reconstructive MDT,
2nd Thursday of the month: Pelvic floor MDT,
Last Tuesday of the month: Complex UTI MDT.
Every Monday: Spinal Injury (SCI MDT) and ward round
The post holder would be expected to participate and lead on audit and research projects culminating in presentations (in local, regional, national and international meetings) and publications in peer-reviewed journals.
There will be a dedicated Research sessions every week (Tuesday afternoon/ Friday afternoon). Fellow is expected to actively participate in research projects with national and international presentations and publications.
The fellow will be supported to attend Spinal Injury course at Sheffield after joining (if not attended before)
The fellow will be encouraged to arrange hands-on courses in functional urology and Urodynamics to the junior trainees.
Primary Objective of Fellowship
Fully independent FNUU consultant