In May 2020, a new urology textbook for medical students and junior doctors came on the market. Its author, Ricky Ellis, is currently Urology Specialist Registrar in the East Midlands Deanery, and has generously made this textbook available for free download from this website. The author writes:
“I created this book with two aims:
- to create a helpful and relevant resource for medical students & junior doctors at the cheapest possible price for them; and
- to raise some money for charity
Although I own the copyright to this book, BAUS has my permission to publish and distribute the book, free of charge, for the benefit of the medical community. The e-book is also available to purchase (at a cost of £2.99) from the Kindle Store , Smashwords & the Apple Store - by the end of May, it will also be available on the other well-known online stores.
If you prefer to read it as a printed book, a printed version is also available in the Amazon Store .
All profits from the sale of this book will go to charity."
To download the e-book, click on the front cover image (below) and the book will open in a new browser window