This surgical skills course has been developed to gain basic and advanced surgical skills in open genitourinary tract reconstruction and urinary diversion techniques. This 2-day course for maximum of 12 candidates, is aimed for the urology trainees at ST3 or above who want to acquire surgical skills or at Consultants who wish to strengthen specialised skills in ureteric reconstruction, augmentation cystoplasty and urinary diversion.
This is practically-oriented course, and candidates will spend 85% of their time performing various surgical techniques on animal models with a supervision of ratio of 1:2 and surgical assistance will be provided by junior doctors. The course is approved by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and attracts 16 CPD points.
Course programme
The course will run in a relaxed environment and divided into sessions with video presentations by trainers followed by practical skills sessions and candidates will be supervised all the time. Candidates will work individually on animal models, assisted by junior doctors or nurses with 2:1 trainer ratio. On the first day, they will practice ureteric reimplantation, Boari flap and urinary diversion techniques (Briker and Wallace). On day 2, they will perform ileal replacement of ureter, augmentation cystoplasty, cutaneous ureterostomies and stoma formation.
At the end of the course candidates should be able to:
- perform uretero-ureteric anastomosis, ureteric reimplantation and Boari flap
- perform uretero-ileal anastomosis with Briker and Wallace technique
- make a good, pouted stoma
- perform augmentation cystoplasty
- perform Ileal replacement of the ureter