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9th National Urology Simulation Boot Camp

The Bridge Community Church Centre, Ryder Street, Leeds.LS9 7BQ

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Event Overview

This is a 5-day, well-structured, standardised, high-intensity urology simulation training course for ST3 trainees. The Urology Simulation Boot Camp teaches the essential technical and non-technical skills for ST3 Urology Training and is open to newly appointed ST3s.

It is designed for 80 candidates at ST3 grade oir above.

A maximum of 80 candidates are divided into groups of eight to rotate around ten modules, spending half a day in each module, from Day 1 to Day 5. Module content is listed below – currently, the programme shows eight modules but there will be two new modules which are still to be finalised.

The faculty includes more than 125 Consultant Urologists, gynaecologists & educationalists throughout the UK (more than 80 per day), and international, national and regional dignitaries also attend the conference.

Module Content

  1. Urinary diversion and reconstruction
  2. Peno-scrotal and catheterisation skills
  3. Laparoscopic / robotic basic skills and energy sources MIS
  4. Bladder outlet obstruction management - technical skills and prostate diagnostics
  5. Sim scenarios and bingo to facilitate non-technical Skills
  6. Basic female urology technical skills
  7. Non-technical skills: simulated ward rounds and simulated outpatient clinics (virtual and face-to-face)
  8. Basic ureteroscopy and PCNL skills
  9. Uroradiology
  10. TURBT

This event was approved for CME by BAUS with 30 points awarded
Organised by: Lesley Wood of Medical Education, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Phone Number: +44 (0)113 206 7251

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