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Consultant Job Planning 2024

A message from Ian Pearce, BAUS Vice President:

The original version of A Guide to Job Planning for Consultant Urologists - written by Kieran O’Flynn - was published in November 2016 and, for the first time, offered Consultants guidance on all aspects of job planning, taking into account the time required to deliver each of these aspects and the standard demanded by urological care commissioners, deliverers, users and regulators.

The original guide soon became the standard for the majority of Consultant Urological Surgeon job plans and was used and relied upon extensively.

I am delighted to have been able to co-ordinate this second edition which, once again, is the product of the combined effort of multiple colleagues from across the UK, to whom I am extremely grateful.

This new edition maintains the tried-and-tested reality of the original document, and builds on this to help colleagues navigate through the job planning process in the new era of the NHS with widespread EPR, significant admitted and non-admitted backlog, Urology Area Networks and GIRFT recommendations.

PLEASE NOTE: the document is only available to BAUS members

This updated job planning document forms part of the broader BAUS strategic drive to deliver greater member benefits, and I hope you will find it as useful as it’s predecessor.

2024 Guide to Job Planning for Consultant Urologists

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