Mr Neil Anustup Haldar
Qualifications: MBBS MD FRCS(Urol)
GMC Number: 3683914
Clinical Areas of Interest: Academic Urology, Endourology, General Urology, Reconstructive and Uro-Oncology
Region: South Central
Personal Statement
Neil Haldar graduated from King’s College, London before joining the Oxford Surgical training scheme. In 1998, he was awarded the RCS Allinson Foundation Fellowship and undertook a Masters. He went on to complete his Higher Surgical training in Oxford following which he undertook further visiting fellowships to develop his specialist interest in laparoscopic urology. In 2005 he was appointed as Clinical Lead in laparoscopic urology to Buckinghamshire NHS Trust and is one of the nominated renal and pelvic cancer surgeons for the Thames Valley Cancer Network . He works closely with a multidisciplinary team that also offers radiotherapy and chemotherapy.