BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Retroperitoneal Robotic Partial Nephrectomy Course UID:4429 DESCRIPTION:This unique training course combines live surgery, robotic-assisted retroperitoneal partial nephrectomy procedures with intra-operative ultrasound imaging and 3D vascular imaging. Live audio-visual feeds from theatre will transmit the surgical cases directly to the seminar room with two-way interaction.\n\nThis course delivers a complete, 360-degree overview from a highly experienced team of professionals. The course is aimed at Consultants and Fellows wishing to develop their expertise and improve surgical outcomes with their use of intraoperative ultrasound and 3D imaging.\n\nCourse Director: Professor Faiz Mumtaz, Consultant Urological and Robotic Surgeon, Royal Free Hospital\n\nCourse Sponsors: FUJIFILM Healthcare UK / Karl Storz / Intuitive / Proximie\n\nCost: £100 per delegate (including food, drinks and conference dinner)\n\nObjectives of the courseto understand the indications and patient selection for retroperitoneal robotic partial nephrectomyto develop your ultrasound technique and operative protocolto understand the value of pre-operative surgical planning with CT imaging and 3D imaging to determine the optimal approach for nephron-sparing surgeryto understand the techniques of real-time intraoperative ultrasound imaging of the kidney to identify an endophytic tumour or mark the margins of a tumour prior to resectionto understand the differences between transperitoneal and retroperitoneal approachto unmderstand jwhat does computer vision and AI offer in robotic surgeryto view the future of retroperitoneal renal surgery – single-port robotic platform to view a "Tips and Tricks" presentation that offers an insight into the challenges frequently encountered, with suggestions and solutions to overcome problems.Provisional Programme08.00: Registration and Coffee\n08.30: Introduction – Prof Faiz Mumtaz\n09.05: 1st Case presentation by Dr Hani Alzahrani\n09.00: Positioning and Retroperitoneal Port Placement – Mr Abhishek Reekhaye\n09.20: Video demonstration of docking with Xi – Mr Mark Yao\n09.40: Pre-operative surgical planning & vascular 3D imaging – Prof Faiz Mumtaz\n10:00: Case 1 live from theatre: Retroperitoneal Partial Nephrectomy on Xi – Faiz Mumtaz and Abhishek Reekhaye\n12:00: Debate between transperitoneal and retroperitoneal approach – Mr Prasad Patki and Mr Muddassar Hussain\n12.30: Lunch\n13.30: 2nd case Presentation – Mr Mark Yao\n13.30: Case 2 live from theatre: Mr Ravi Barod and Mr Abhishek Reekhaye\n15.30: Retroperitoneal robotic surgery: Tips, Tricks and Avoiding Complications – Mr Omer Karim\n16.00: Interesting, complex and difficult cases – Mr Mark Yao and Dr Hani Alzahrani\n17.00: Future of Retroperitoneal Renal Surgery: Single-Port system – Mr Ben Challacombe\n17:30: Closing Remarks and Certificate Distribution\n18:00–22:00: Drinks and Conference Dinner\n\nClick here to register for the event\n\n DTSTART:20250508T073000Z DTEND:20250508T170000Z LOCATION:Sheila Sherlock Centre, Royal Free Hospital, Pond Street, London NW3 2QG END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR