BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:SIU 2025 UID:4410 DESCRIPTION:2025 Congress Learning ObjectivesDescribe the metabolic evaluation and medical and surgical therapy of urinary stone disease​.Understand the latest advances in the diagnosis, staging and management of urologic cancers.​Detail the medical and surgical management of male and female lower urinary tract dysfunction.​Examine the latest advances in reconstructive surgery including urethroplasty, fistula repair, and management of other GU injuries/trauma.​Incorporate new techniques in robotic and minimally invasive surgery.​Define the assessment and management of male infertility.​Characterize the surgical and medical treatment options for male sexual health.​Learn how to serve the diverse healthcare needs of our international population in a patient-centered manner.​Learn the latest urologic sub-specialty advances occurring in the past year to augment one’s practice.​Understand the challenges and facilitate inclusion and opportunities for underrepresented groups in urology.​Characterize the indications and data of new imaging modalities for the management of urologic cancers. ​Provide mentoring opportunities and guidance for urologic trainees.​Enumerate the common pediatric urologic problems and understand the assessment and management of pediatric population.​Examine common complications and comorbidities associated with the treatment of urologic conditions and how to best manage them in clinical practice.​Analyze recent updates in clinical practice guidelines and their implications for daily urologic practice.​ DTSTART:20251029T171500Z DTEND:20251101T171500Z LOCATION:Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC), The Exchange, 150 Morrison Street, Edinburgh, EH3 8EE, Scotland END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR